Seeking Ways to Improve the Human Condition

United Earth for Peace

Some images may be disturbing to young viewers as it is our intent to put a real face on the human suffering war and hunger that the lack of peace in the world have caused.  Viewer discretion is advised.

Design Library

This is where we begin to present to you various designs and ideas that would make this a better world.

Housing/Shelter - Housing the homeless is the first step toward creating a better world. Here we will present various ideas for creating shelters, both long term and short term habitats built out of local materials as possible.

Clean Drinking Water - Water is essential for life to exist. Here we will present ideas for capturing, and purifying water for human consumption under various conditions.

Food Production - Feeding the hungry is what it is all about. This is where we will try to present ideas that can produce large amounts of food in a small space with a minimal amount of resources.

Healthcare - Basic first aid and other home healthcare tips.

Energy/Electricity - Non-polluting energy production ideas and designs for the individual or community needs.

Education - Knowledge is power, and the key element needed to chase your dreams.

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