Seeking Ways to Improve the Human Condition
Some images may be disturbing to young viewers as it is our intent to put a real face on the human suffering war and hunger that the lack of peace in the world have caused. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Housing the homeless is the first step toward creating a better world. Here we will present various ideas for creating shelters, both long term and short term habitats built out of as much of the local materials as possible.
Basic repairs for a vehicle that sat abandon for years continues as we replace all the old rubber hoses on the brake and the lines throughout the fuel system.
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Owner’s Manual for a 1982 REVCON
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The REVCON has a 3-
In 2012 it was estimated that using a poverty line of $1.25 a day, 1.2 billion people lived in poverty. Given the current economic model, built on GDP, it would take 100 years to bring the world's poorest up to the poverty line of $1.25 a day. 1.2 billion people would love to have a solid roof over their head and strong walls to keep the weather out.
We believe that in showing how simple it is to live off-
While bigger is better, when you're trying to solve the homeless problem in the world, sometimes, it helps to start small. Sometimes the only thing you need to overcome homelessness is a place to call home. We want to show the world that home; that you can take a simple box and create entire communities that can help and support one another. You don't need to be rich to live like a king, but you do need a roof over your head to live at all. We want to upgrade our RV to be completely self-
The REVCON, our recreational vehicle, we want it to become a demonstration model for alternative energy and an alternative lifestyle wrapped in a storybook form in a universe all its own. As we draw attention to some of the issues facing the planet even as we look for solutions and create a database of a sort for a collection of answers to the basic needs of humanity to live and improve their circumstance in life.
All the old florescent lighting were converted to LEDs which reduced the major power drain on the house battery.
Repairs and upgrades to the interior as we begin to adapt the space to fulfill our needs for a mobile office space.