Our Sponsors

Some images may be disturbing to young viewers as it is our intent to put a real face on the human suffering war and hunger that the lack of peace in the world have caused.  Viewer discretion is advised.

Donations to Galactic Enterprise or the United Earth for Peace project are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes at this time.

You can also help support us by purchasing one of our Exclusive

Posters and other products from our Company Store

Dallas Norton, Esq. of Norton Law Offices of Colorado provides us with free legal advice and assistance. Dallas has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Business Administration with an emphasis in Personnel/Human Resource Management and a minor in Economics. Dallas received his Juris Doctorate from Brigham Young University Law School in 1991. He is licensed to practice law in the state and federal courts of Colorado and Utah.

If you would like to be a sponsor please contact us.

Without the Galactic Enterprise we could not exist. They are the business that we hope will be able to fund most, if not all, of our research in time.

Seeking Ways to Improve the Human Condition

United Earth for Peace

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